While driving on the highway in June, Keith McCullough shared a vision for what he called Phase 2 of Hedgeye: Helping average people stay out of harm’s way. 

“This is the very beginning of us making a big difference in many of your lives. This is about every dollar you’ve ever made, preserving, protecting it and not having drawdowns. It’s not about chasing what everybody has to because they don’t have options … What I’ve seen for 15 years isn’t really well understood by many people at all. Not all of you, but certainly people on TV today, on my Twitter contra stream, they don’t get one bit of it. 

That’s why, during the next collapse, that’ll be Phase 2.”   

This week, the stock market and bond downfall McCullough warned about four months ago has officially transpired. 

On The Macro Show today, Hedgeye’s CEO shared the harrowing data: 

  • Nasdaq is down -12.2% “with the generals (Nvidia, Tesla et al) being shot.” 
  • QQQ is down -20.2% from its peak. “That’s where the most pain is because it’s what everyone owns.” 
  • S&P 500 down -10% since July “when we slapped it as a short on ETF Pro.” 

Following the events of this week, those who stuck with the Hedgeye #process are being rewarded. For those who walked away only to return this week post-crash, welcome back. 

“Now you understand, right?” McCullough added. “Those of you who executed don’t have to work another 1.5 or 5 years. Unacceptable. Not funny.” 

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