“If you took Tier 1’s resources away from me, I would retire,” Keith McCullough said recently. “I would not play the game. I don’t like playing the game with one hand tied behind my back voluntarily.” 

 This clip from Thursday’s Q4 Macro Themes presentation gives a brief overview of how Tier 1’s data bolsters Hedgeye’s tried and true, go anywhere investing process. Watch to learn how you can become more macro-aware and weaponize yourself with this valuable market information. 

It matters as much as anything that I’ve seen in terms of macro awareness that I’m trying to get you to,” McCullough said during Thursday’s hourlong presentation, which is available on demand for Macro Pro and Institutional subscribers. 

 Want more than just a taste? Tier 1 hosts a weekly webcast where they shed light on hidden risk that is constantly swirling just under the surface of financial markets. Watch their latest episode below. 

Want to meet the team? Our new partners at Tier 1 joined McCullough for a Real Conversation recently. Mike Green, David Pegler and Craig Peterson spoke about the various ways Tier 1 Alpha can help protect you from unseen risk and volatility. Watch the episode below.  

“Institutionally, it’s been a gain for those who have picked up their level of macro awareness, have executed and done better than those that have just ignored it,” said McCullough.