Our deep bench of analysts take to HedgeyeTV every weekday to update subscribers on Hedgeye's high conviction stock ideas and evolving macro trends. Whether it's on The Macro ShowReal-Time Alerts Live or other exclusive live events, HedgeyeTV is always chock full of insight.

Below is a taste of the most recent week in HedgeyeTV. (Like what you see? Click here to subscribe for free to our YouTube channel.)


1. ‘Macro Mentoring’ Session 11: A Sneak Peek Inside Hedgeye’s Macro Process (12/23/2016)

In this edition of Macro Mentoring, Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough takes pen to paper to discuss how our process interprets recent developments in economies, such as Turkey and Japan, currencies, like the euro and yen, and simplifying the complexities of asset class volatility. 

2. The Real Obamacare Story? Massive Medicaid Expansion (12/22/2016)

There are 73 million Americans currently covered by Medicaid. Thank President Obama. Or don’t. “The first thing to note about the Affordable Care Act is that it’s really a story about Medicaid expansion,” says Healthcare Policy analyst Emily Evans in the video above. “There are approximately 73 million people now on Medicaid. That’s up from 52 million before the Affordable Care Act was implemented.”

3. ‘Profound Change’: Inside Trump’s Cabinet With Former Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham (12/21/2016)

6 Videos: What's On HedgeyeTV - SA KM Trumps Cabinet 12 20 2016 NO TEXT

Trump’s cabinet selections will have a profound impact on U.S. domestic and foreign policy.

Former Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham explains the implications to Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Abraham is uniquely qualified to give his assessment. He was Secretary of Energy in the George W. Bush administration and before that was a U.S. Senator, representing the state of Michigan.

“You’re going to see some pretty profound change,” Abraham says.


4. The U.S. Economic Message? Buy Stocks, Sell Gold and Bonds (12/20/2016)

Economic growth in the United States is accelerating. So is inflation. That’s what’s happening now according to the analysts on our Macro team.

In a nutshell for investors, that means:

  • StocksBullish
  • BondsBearish
  • GoldBearish

5. The Investor’s 2017 GOP Policy Checklist: Here’s What to Expect (12/20/2016)

After eight years of Obama’s Democrat-led White House, the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way. Here’s Hedgeye Potomac Chief Political Strategist JT Taylor’s GOP policy check-list.

6. Can the U.S. Stock Market Get a Lot More Expensive? Absolutely (12/19/2016)

6 Videos: What's On HedgeyeTV - TMS KM Stock Market 12 19 2016

“Stocks are expensive.”

We’ve been hearing that a lot lately from our subscribers. This statement is used as a blanket refusal to accept that stocks can go higher from here. Well guess what? The U.S. stock market is currently trading at a price-to-earnings ratio of 21 times (on an earnings estimate for the next twelve months). And it can go higher. It has in the past.

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