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Editor's Note: Below is a Hedgeye Guest Contributor note written by our friend Eric McArdle at Simplify

Invest Smart(er): Hedgeye Research + Simplify ETFs - z Rocking The Boat

As a Hedgeye subscriber, you depend on "The Best Macro Analysis Money Can Buy" and a process that is built around transparency, accountability, and trust. This resonates with us deeply. More than a way to manage money, it is a way to live.

We built Simplify Asset Management to bring you access to hard-to-reach exposures, high conviction investment strategies, and thoughtful, seasoned market experts. Delivered via low cost, liquid, and tax efficient ETFs, our strategies will modernize and round out your toolkit to help give you an edge in any market.

Since 2020, we have worked extensively with Hedgeye’s team and user base. It is this strong appreciation for the process and ethos that inspired our support of Hedgeye Live, and we’re proud to be this year’s Platinum Sponsor.

Explore how Simplify ETFs can integrate with the insights you trust from Hedgeye through our research team’s Quad Map, included below, which helps guide you to timely and relevant strategies by market environment. We plan to update this regularly to better support you and your investment objectives.

Invest Smart(er): Hedgeye Research + Simplify ETFs - z simplify

Invest Smart(er): Hedgeye Research + Simplify ETFs - z chart

Up and to the right.

Eric McArdle
Managing Director, Advisor Solutions

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