In today's Chart of the Day from Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough, we look at metals smoking SPY in the near term on the back of Inflation and Global Growth.

From today's Early Look

How about that Commodity Metals INFLATION (in your Full Investing Cycle portfolios) last week?

A) Dr. Copper (long CPER and COPX) inflated +8.3% last week alone, taking its 3-month TREND to +31.6%
B) Silver (long SLV) inflated even more than Copper, +9.7% last week to +33.2% in the last 3 months
C) Nickel (long NIKL) inflated another +3.2% last week, taking its 3-month TREND to +19.9%

CHART OF THE DAY: Long Metals - chart

CHART OF THE DAY: Long Metals - CharityHockeyGame 1920x516

CHART OF THE DAY: Long Metals - large Free TMS Thumbnail 5.17.2024

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