This chart from today's Early Look by Keith McCullough shows the depths the government is willing to sink to so it can preserve the narrative of no recession.

Fully loaded with the U.S. government’s spin that "there’s not going to be a recession" for at least the next DECADE, the U.S. deficit ($1.7 trillion in 2023) is projected to grow EVERY year, exceeding $2.5 trillion in just eight years.

Spin it, lie about it, say whatever you want. I own and run this firm and will have the integrity to call it out, daily, if need be.

CHART OF THE DAY: U.S. Deficit Expected to Grow Every Year for (At Least) a Decade - COTD1

CHART OF THE DAY: U.S. Deficit Expected to Grow Every Year for (At Least) a Decade - ciOQ ob4

CHART OF THE DAY: U.S. Deficit Expected to Grow Every Year for (At Least) a Decade - 4xOP6iia

CHART OF THE DAY: U.S. Deficit Expected to Grow Every Year for (At Least) a Decade - Optionsbanner

CHART OF THE DAY: U.S. Deficit Expected to Grow Every Year for (At Least) a Decade - Lacallebanner


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