Takeaway: We'll anticipate the major TMT regulatory and judicial actions affecting big tech, cable and telecom players, and social media.


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The countdown is underway toward the November 2024 Presidential election, increasing speculation about a potential paradigm shift in the regulatory outlook for leading tech, media and telecom players.  We'll open the report card on our 2023 TMT catalyst predictions and proceed to our calls for the coming year.

  • Despite legislative activity in the EU, a White House Executive Order and congressional inquiries, detailed AI regulation is a concept, not a reality.  But regulators are clearly worried about the dominance of major tech platforms and the risk that AI deployments and applications will move ahead without sufficient guardrails. What is the current policy approach?
  • The FCC is pushing ahead with an agenda that is hostile to the cable industry, including the restoration of strict net neutrality rules and the imposition of other regulatory burdens.
  • The Supreme Court will determine whether states can restrict political content moderation on social media platforms with a decision due just a few months before the November election.  Unchecked political messaging could affect the preferences of digital advertisers and set an adverse precedent outside the political context.
  • Consolidation pressures are rising in the video streaming market.  Despite opposition from the creative community, can a deal win regulatory approval?
  • Google just lost a monopolization case affecting its app store distribution and payment policies.  A federal court will soon decide whether Google illegally maintains a general search monopoly and the government's ad tech monopolization case goes to trial next year.  How will these cases play out and will there be ripple effects on Apple?

We'll focus on these issues, highlight others and respond to questions.  We hope you will join us.