ADD: Prospect Capital (PSEC) to the Investing Ideas Short list.

Commentary below from Keith within "Real-Time Alerts" delivered to #HedgeyeNation today.

Here's a good example of me having a world-class (new) research-driven short in one hand (from Rob Simone), and patience in waiting for the TRR (top-end of Risk Range) on the other...

Coaching Notes:

1. Whoever thinks Dynamic Hedging and/or Short Selling is easy hasn't done it with real ammo

2. There are many components to the Timing Game, and we have many tools to augment our accuracy

3. That doesn't mean we nail every signal. That's an absurd and amateur expectation. It means that we execute with professional discipline and purpose

See Simone's REITs Pro research product for what I think is his best New Short since MPW.