Below is a chart and brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

Bloomberg “news” has become a disaster. On this day last week, their #1 editorial headline read “Dollar’s Busted Bull Run Is End Of An Era.” LOL

While it’s crystal clear “why” they and/or CNBC won’t be running “INFLATION Re-ACCELERATING” headlines this morning, that doesn’t mean that didn’t happen (again) last week:

  1. CRB COMMODITIES Index reflated another +2.1%, breaking out on both my TRADE and TREND durations
  2. Oil’s (WTI) INFLATION re-accelerated another +2.3% last week and is also signaling Bullish TRADE and TREND
  3. Corn reflated +4.4% last week and Wheat reflated +5.4%

 CHART OF THE DAY: Inflation Re-Accelerating - monday