According to Esports Charts, the Free Fire World Series (FFWS) in Sentosa (May 14th to 21th) was dreadful.  Average viewership fell 72% YoY (vs Free Fire's record setting global tournament in 2021).  Peak viewership fell 73% YoY.  Without India's involvement this year in the FFWS, bad results were expected.  But -72%?  It just shows how reliant Free Fire is on the India market on gaining new viewership.  Free Fire is banned in India but not Free Fire Max.  Without India, Free Fire viewership may not grow for a while.  Garena gave out gifts during the broadcasts but it did little in attracting a large audience. The Russia/Ukraine war also excluded teams from the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) region from participating in FFWS.

Free Fire has hard Game QAU & QPU comps for Q2 2022 given the success of FFWS last year.  Looks like I have to cut SE estimates again.  Still looking for a better entry point to re-Short but getting closer.