Real-Time Alerts User Guide
Dear Real-Time Alers subscriber,
Most active investors have a basket of core investing ideas. It may be in stocks, bonds, ETFs or all of the above. Identifying investing ideas is tough enough. There’s an entire branch of behavioral psychology dedicated to common mistakes investors make risk managing their core positions—like selling their winners too soon, or hanging onto their losers too long.
We’re all human. Left unchecked, emotions dictate our investment decision-making. There’s a better way.
Our research team employs quantitative models specifically designed to interpret financial markets and help tame human emotion. With Real-Time Alerts you get buy, sell and cover stock and ETF signals handpicked by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough from our 40+ person equity research team’s best ideas.
Getting Started: How To Use Real-Time Alerts
How It Works
Real-Time Alerts harnesses our team of equity research analysts as well as CEO Keith McCullough’s quantitative risk range model.
We employ a research team of more than 40+ research analysts, from our top-down Macro team to the bottom-up equity Sector teams (from Retail to Energy). Each team produces a menu of best ideas from which Keith selects the juiciest stock and ETF ideas.
Keith then plugs each ticker into his proprietary and quantitative Risk Range model. From there it’s simple. Keith sends signals long or short signals on the stocks, bonds or ETFs featuring the best set-up.
What You Get With Real-Time Alerts
You'll receive Keith's latest signals—buy, sell, short or cover—nearly every trading day.
We email you all of Keith’s signals and simultaneously post them on our website.
Each signal is tagged with duration recommendations (Trade, Trend, Tail) to help you navigate a security’s risk profile over multiple durations.
We also feature RTA LIVE – a private online video broadcast where Keith offers detailed insight into why he’s making the calls he’s making and answers questions during live Q&A.
*Remember, RTA is not a portfolio—it is a risk management signaling and timing tool.
The primary goal of Real-Time Alerts is to give you quantitative-driven, high octane long, short and cover signals on stocks and ETFs that are also curated from among the ideas of some of the best fundamental research analysts in the business.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to email us at
We look forward to working together!
Watch the video introduction:
About Hedgeye
Hedgeye Risk Management is an independent investment research and online financial media company. Focused exclusively on generating and delivering thoughtful investment ideas in a proven buy-side process, the firm combines quantitative, bottom-up and macro analysis with an emphasis on timing. The Hedgeye team features some of the most highly-regarded research analysts on Wall Street, all with buy-side experience, covering Macro, Financials, Energy, Healthcare, Retail, Gaming, Lodging & Leisure (GLL), Restaurants, Industrials, Consumer Staples, Communications, Cannabis, Housing, Materials, Technology, Demography and Washington policy analysis.
Real-Time Alerts User Guide
Invest like a Hedge Fund Manager
The real power of Real-Time Alerts is that it brings the biggest strength Hedgeye has to offer: Critical buy, sell and cover signals on our favorite stock and ETF ideas chosen from among the top ideas of our entire research analyst team.
Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough sifts through our team of 40+ equity research analysts’ favorite bottom-up stock ideas and filters each through both our Macro team’s top-down global economic insights and our quantitative Risk Ranges model.
This level of intellectual rigor is no accident.
Prior to founding Hedgeye Risk Management, CEO Keith McCullough built a successful track record as a hedge fund manager at the Carlyle-Blue Wave Partners hedge fund, Magnetar Capital, Falconhenge Partners, and Dawson-Herman Capital Management.
Hedgeye was created in 2008 to bring comprehensive risk management to our subscribers in a transparent and accountable fashion. The goal was to create something that didn’t exist on Wall Street: Hedge fund quality research for everyday investors.
With this emphasis on quality, transparent research, every single Real-Time Alert issued by CEO Keith McCullough since 2008 is timestamped with its performance.
( Click here to access your Real-Time Alerts dashboard and select the blue button “Download Signal History” on the left-hand side of the screen to review the signal history for all our Real-Time Alerts.)
Your subscription also includes access to RTA Live. This live online video Q&A hosted regularly by CEO Keith McCullough features market signaling insights on any and every ticker you choose to ask about. Just join us after you receive your RTA Live invite email and submit your question in the queue below the video player.
Real-Time Alerts: The Power of Hedgeye
Your Real-Time Alerts subscription is powered by the entire Hedgeye research team. To get you quickly up to speed on the entire Hedgeye research process (and help bolster your own risk management in the process), we’ve produced an exclusive 14-minute video hosted by McCullough. In the video below, McCullough will walk you through everything from:
• How we model the top 50 economies around the globe
• How our quantitative risk range model helps investors buy low and sell high
• How we help investors beat Wall Street by tracking consensus positioning
• How the entire Hedgeye research team works together to identify the best investing opportunities
We encourage you to watch this primer on our repeatable risk management process.
Real-Time Alerts User Guide
Risk Managing Our Favorite Ideas
Real-Time Alerts is an indispensable trading tool. It is a risk management signaling process originally developed by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough during his years as a hedge fund manager.
Keith created the proprietary, quantitative risk ranges model underpinning Real-Time Alerts to augment his research team’s fundamental research views. This model uses three core inputs to determine the likely immediate-term daily trading range for any publicly-traded asset class.
• Price
• Volume
• Volatility
(Prior to founding Hedgeye, Keith worked at hedge funds Carlyle-Blue Wave Partners, Magnetar Capital, Falconhenge Partners, and Dawson-Herman Capital Management.)
Real-Time Alerts takes our research team’s basket of top long and short ideas and helps you risk manage them like a portfolio manager, signaling “buy” an asset when Wall Street is fearful and “sell” when consensus becomes too optimistic.
It can be tough betting against the crowd, but we’re confident in our research team and quantitative risk management models.
How We Risk Manage Our Favorite Stock Ideas
The fundamental idea behind Real-Time Alerts is to send you buy, sell and cover alerts when our model signals that specific stocks and ETFs are in their best set-up from a trading perspective.
1. We Identify Our Favorite Stock Ideas – Our team of 40+ equity research analysts (covering 19 stock market sectors, from Retail to Energy) identify the best individual stocks in the industry they cover from a bottom-up research perspective.
2. We Identify Top-Down Macro Investing Ideas – Our Macro team provides top-down asset allocation insights based on global economic developments. Our Macro analysts break down our favorite style factors (i.e. “small cap” versus “large” cap or “growth” versus “value” stocks), asset classes (i.e. stocks, bonds or commodities) and sectors (i.e. Energy versus Technology stocks or Financials)
3. The “Risk Ranges” Quantitative Set-up – Keith monitors this list of 30-50 top long and short stock and ETF ideas supplied by our analysts. He regularly plugs each into his Risk Range model to spot market opportunities.
4. Real-Time Alert Signals (Buy or Sell) – As our analysts’ top stock and ETF ideas reach key market and Risk Range inflection points, Keith signals buy or sell. Each Real-Time Alerts email provides additional insight from the fundamental equity research analyst that’s making the call
In other words, the Real-Time Alerts framework uses our quantitative risk range model and team of analysts to identify the juiciest stock and ETF ideas at any given time in the market.
Real-Time Alerts User Guide
Hedgeye's Macro Playbook
Our goal is to give you a foundational understanding —start to finish—of the basics of how we analyze financial markets and identify compelling risks and opportunities. We believe it will amplify your use of all of our investing research products and tools.
This Macro Playbook explains our quantitative models – like our proprietary risk ranges and GDP predictive tracking algorithm – as well as how we select our top investing ideas (stocks, bonds or ETFs). Our repeatable research process has been carefully crafted and refined throughout our decade in the independent research business.
Armed with this framework, we are confident you will make better investing decisions.
Click here to read our Macro Playbook
Real-Time Alerts User Guide
Meet Our Research Team
We are obsessed with delivering superior investment ideas. You likely know this by now.
Our hybrid investing approach combines:
  • 1. proprietary quantitative analysis
  • 2. bottom-up sector research
  • 3. top-down macro research with an emphasis on duration.
The end result is an intelligent, high-octane suite of products that draws on insights from over 40 research analysts. We cover everything from Global Macro and Retail, to Energy, Restaurants and Washington Policy research.
Our unique research team at Hedgeye is composed of some of the most highly-regarded analysts in the industry. Our quantitative models and fundamental research teams complement one another.
Here’s how.
Our quantitative Risk Range model was developed by CEO Keith McCullough during his years as a hedge fund manager.
This Risk Range model is utilized throughout the entire suite of Hedgeye research products to augment our 40+ person research team’s fundamental views. Think about it. All investors have some basket of core investing ideas (stocks, bonds, ETFs or all of the above). Identifying those investing ideas is tough enough, then you have to deal with the uncertainty of markets.
When CEO Keith McCullough built his proprietary Risk Range model the aim was simple: Create a quantitative risk management tool to help investors actually buy low and sell high.
The model uses three core inputs – price, volume and volatility – to determine the likely daily trading range for any publicly-traded asset class. These risk ranges are dynamic. They change as the data changes. At its core, you sell at the top end of the range, and buy at the low end.
Our team of 40+ fundamental research analysts pride themselves on identifying non-consensus investing ideas. We understand that the path from non-consensus investing idea to top-performer is far from linear. The ultimate aim of our Risk Ranges model is to help investors risk manage our analyst’s favorite investing ideas.
Our investment research team is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. It is made up of research analysts with buy-side and sell-side experience. Our policy research team in Washington D.C. is composed of seasoned veterans with many decades of experience. They possess high-level experience and contacts having worked in a variety of influential positions over the years.
Our goal is simple. Since “Day One” more than ten years ago, our focus has been to build the most thoughtful and thorough team on Wall Street. We seek to translate our unique, combined knowledge into successful investment opportunities for all of our subscribers—big and small.
Our collective investment experience includes time at Carlyle Blue-Wave, Ardsley Partners, Buckingham Research, Morgan Stanley, Dawson-Herman Capital, Wells Fargo Securities, to name a few, while our combined policy experience includes time at the U.S. Court of Appeals, U.S. Energy Department, U.S. Office of Defense, U.S. Federal Reserve, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and more.
In addition to a deep bench of 19 fundamental equity and Washington policy research teams, our Macro team measures and maps economic data for the top 50 economies around the world, covering 90% of global GDP. We run predictive tracking algorithms for both growth and inflation for each of these economies to forecast the likely path for financial markets.
Bottom Line: Our Macro team is focused on generating investable ideas based on this research that combines their deep study of market history, the tracking of Wall Street consensus positioning and the volatility signals embedded in futures and options markets.
(We encourage you to dig deeper by reading our “Macro Playbook.” )
The combined knowledge of 1) proprietary quantitative analysis 2) bottom-up sector research 3) top-down macro research makes your Hedgeye subscription the best bang-for-your-investing-research-buck out there.