Takeaway: Join us today, April 29, at 12:30pm EST, as we analyze the demographic outlook of the US.

HAPPENING NOW | 2020 Demography Review: United States - Multi generational house cartoon

Join me for our sector's annual review of the demographic outlook of the US. We will examine the direction of trends before the pandemic began. Then we will look at how Covid-19 did and did not change the country's trajectory. Here are a few of the topics we will be examining:

    • Fertility: Did Covid-19 create a pandemic baby bust? Will fertility rebound once the pandemic ends?
    • Mortality: What is the true death count of Coivd-19? How did lockdowns affect other death rates like suicide, overdose, and homicide?
    • Mobility: What regions are Americans moving to, and where are they moving away from?
    • Population Projections: What is the long-term outlook for the US population? Will it keep growing?
    • Cities: Did the pandemic kill urban life? Do Americans now prefer the suburbs and rural America?
    • Intergenerational Living: Is the rise in extended family living accelerating or slowing down? What does this mean for the housing market?

We will be answering all these questions and more. And yes, we will be taking listener questions. Make sure to tune in today, April 29, at 12:30pm EST.

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