Editor's Note: Below is an excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Click here to get it.
As far as I know, we’re the only Independent and/or Macro Research firm that made the call that the US Dollar was #Bottoming at the beginning of April 2018. If there are others, happy to have them on board. This isn’t the crowded ship many others are on! ...As Global Macro History knows (and we’ve outlined in plenty of Early Looks showing you the back-test on this), the #1 catalyst for the US Dollar to bottom… and then breakout… is the Global Economy entering Quads 3 and 4. And… the #1 reason why some Macro Funds and Strategists disagree with us on this is that they don’t use our GIP (Growth, Inflation, Policy) Model that dynamically measures and maps what Quadrant economic data is trending in. “So”… I’m feeling like they might be in need of a cure for the rat poison! #subscribe |