Editor's Note: Below is an excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Click here to learn more.

Don’t forget that our predictive tracking algos have us in Quad 2 for Q2. What is Quad 2? A: When both year-over-year growth and inflation are accelerating at the same time. 

The problem with Quad 2 is that the Fed tends to get hawkish (late cycle) on a lag to late cycle economic data. Never forget that inflation (especially wage inflation) is a late cycle economic indicator...

...As you can see in today’s Chart of The Day, our predictive algo not only has inflation re-accelerating to the cycle peak in Q2 but rolling over again in Q4. Maybe that’s what the bond market is looking at. God forbid our forecasts continue to be right! 

CHART OF THE DAY: US Inflation #Accelerating - 04.19.18 EL Chart