Editor's Note: Below is a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by CEO Keith McCullough. Click here to learn more about the Early Look. 

Here's What Makes A Good Stock Pick - 12.06.17 EL Chart

What makes a good stock pick a great one? Well, from a Global Macro Risk Management perspective, we review the basic concept of fishing where the fish are, identifying things like:

  1. GIP Model (Growth, Inflation, Policy) – is growth/inflation accelerating/decelerating in the country you’re picking in
  2. Asset Allocations & Sub Sector Exposures – once you have growth and inflation right within the country, do you have these right?
  3. Style Factors – Leverage, Beta, Short Interest, SIZE, Growth, Value, Yield, etc. – what is trending bullish/bearish?

Then, of course, if you want to be Spartan in your stock picking you should probably have an opinion on market-timing too...

Here's What Makes A Good Stock Pick - early look