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Editor's Note: Below is a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by CEO Keith McCullough. Click here to learn more about the Early Look. 

What's Not Working in This Raging Bull Market - 10.30.17 EL Chart

In US Equity Style Factor terms, some of that Sector Style under-performance reflects what we call LOW QUALITY investments in a raging bull market for US Growth exposures:

  1. HIGH DEBT (to EV) companies were down -1.3% last week to +8.0% YTD
  2. HIGH SHORT INTEREST companies were down -1.9% last week to only +1.3% YTD
  3. SLOW GROWERS (Bottom 25% SP500 EPS Growers) were down -1.6% last week to only +1.2% YTD

*Mean performance of Top Quartile vs. Bottom Quartile, S&P 500 Companies

What's Not Working in This Raging Bull Market - early look