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Takeaway: In the videos below, Neil Howe covers topics like the surge in mental health services & Millennial to Boomer behavioral differences.

6 VIDEOS: 'About Everything' With Renowned Demographer Neil Howe - neil howe headshot

In case you missed it, world-renowned demographer and Hedgeye Managing Director Neil Howe hosted the sixth installment of his About Everything series yesterday, discussing the long-term secular decline of the cable industry. For the record, Neil's work has garnered the resounding praise of such polar political opposites as Vice President Al Gore and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. (Click here to read Howe's complete biography.)

During live About Everything broadcasts, Howe dissects a topic's key underlying demographic trends and distills the broader implications for investors and their portfolios. Below are the six complimentary video installments, in their entirety, along with Howe's accompanying written pieces. The wide-ranging topics covered include the surge in mental health services, the demographic drivers behind "less interest in things" and the behavioral differences between Millennials and Baby Boomers.


1. About Everything: Does Cable Have a Future? (5/10/2016)

In this complimentary edition of About Everything below, Hedgeye Demography Sector Head Neil Howe writes about why the cable and satellite TV industry's glory days are behind it. In it, Howe dissects the underlying demographic drivers and explains the broader implications for investors. 

Click here to read Howe’s associated About Everything piece.

2. About Everything | The Surge in Mental Health Services (4/28/2016)

In this complimentary edition of About Everything, renowned demographer and Hedgeye Sector Head Neil Howe discusses why "mental health services spending is riding a long-term attitudinal shift that has brought mental health issues out into the open." Howe explains why it's happening and explores the broader societal and investing implications.

Click here to read Howe’s associated About Everything piece.

3. About Everything | The Golden Age of Home Improvement (4/24/2016)

In this complimentary edition of About Everything, renowned demographer and Hedgeye Sector Head Neil Howe explores why consumer spending on home improvement is outstripping GDP growth and the key demographic trends behind this shift.

Click here to read Howe’s associated About Everything piece.

4. About Everything | A Perfect Storm of Trends Points to Less Interest In "Things" (4/18/2016)

In this complimentary edition of About Everything, Hedgeye Demography Sector Head Neil Howe discusses why manufacturers and retailers should prepare for the possibility that “goods” aren’t coming back anytime soon. And, even when (and if) the industrial sector emerges from its long-term atrophy, the underlying framework of the “old economy” will look entirely different than what we see today.

Click here to read Howe’s associated About Everything piece.

5. About Everything | When Less Is More (4/13/2016)

In this complimentary edition of About Everything, Hedgeye Demography Sector Head Neil Howe discusses why "we’re entering a new era in which simplicity — not choice — is the hallmark of a cutting-edge brand." 

Click here to read Howe’s associated About Everything piece.

6. about everything | Millennials Gone Mild: The Investing Implications (3/30/2016)

In this complimentary edition of “About Everything,” Hedgeye Demography Sector Head Neil Howe discusses the sweeping behavioral changes of Millennials (“Generation Yawn”) compared to prior generations, and spells out what it all means for investors and companies around the globe.

Click here to read Howe’s associated About Everything piece.