Below is the "Chart of the Day" from today's Early Look and a brief excerpt written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. If you're interested in learning more about how we approach protecting and growing our capital, make sure to download Keith's free 52-page eBook below.
So, instead of 31 basis points wide, the Risk Range™ Signal has narrowed to 25 base points wide. Would you have noticed this if I didn’t call it out this morning? Remember Mandelbrot 101: when measuring and mapping it’s not about the “average” of things, it’s about noticing the particular thing that happens at a particular point in market and/or Cycle Time. This narrowing of the UST 10yr Yield Risk Range™ Signal is happening A) right before a Fed meeting today and B) an ECB Rate Cut tomorrow. It’s also happening right before we hit a MONTHLY #Quad3 in February. |