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    Intraday Trade Signals for Stocks and ETFs

Below is a brief excerpt and the "Chart of the Day" from today's Early Look note written by Keith McCullough.

  • I’ve built my process through trial and error using the ideas of polymaths like Mandelbrot and Herbert Simon. I didn’t have to invent things like Fractal Math to apply them. I just had to have the creativity and humility to “fail fast” and ride what works.
  • Through many Institutional Client conversations, I’ve learned that many different kinds of investors use the components of my #process in different ways. Some go SIGNAL to Quad; others do Quad to how they’re thinking about fundamentals
  • At this stage of my career, as you can probably tell, I’m really focused on Coaching The Singularity of my #process to those who want to essentially do what I’m doing with my money.

CHART OF THE DAY: Coaching The Process - cod rr

CHART OF THE DAY: Coaching The Process - Master the Markets Email Banner