Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by our Risk-Manager-In-Chief Keith McCullough.
As you can see in today’s Chart of The Day, since 2000 the US Dollar has been debased by almost 80%. M2 at YE 1999 was $4.7 Trillion. M2 Today: $21.2 Trillion. $21.2 Tn / $4.7 Tn = 450% ; 1/x = 0.222 ; 1 – 0.222 = 77.8% debasement. That works out to a +6.26% CAGR (compound annual growth rate) in the Money Supply. Or, said differently, that works out to an annualized rate of debasement of -6.26%. Do your “US Stocks Only” friends know what the best major Asset Allocation you could have made since 1999 has been? A: Gold. |