Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by our Risk-Manager-In-Chief Keith McCullough.
What did Gold and our Core Asset Allocations (see Portfolio Solutions) to Precious Metals think about that last week: A) Gold inflated another +2.4% taking its 1 and 3 month Returns to +6.4% and +11.3%, respectively B) Silver inflated another +4.7% taking its 1 and 3 month Returns to +8.3% and +10.0%, respectively C) Platinum inflated another +3.0 taking its 1 and 3 month Returns to +5.1% and +3.9%, respectively Yes, Silver and Platinum had been lagging Gold’s TRENDING 3-month Return until very recently. That broadening of what we call SIGNAL STRENGTH adds to our conviction in being positioned for the Quad Gold #likes most = #Quad3. |