Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by our Risk-Manager-In-Chief Keith McCullough.

And you know there are both short and long-term carrying costs to leaking these new Rate Cut expectations, right?

In the very short-term:

A) What would a panic Rate Cut of -50 to -75bps signal about the US economy?
B) What happens if Powell proves to have half a spine and sticks with the -25bps he wanted prior?

In the long-term:

A) We’re all dead, but…
B) In the meantime, Devaluing The Purchasing Power of The American People will be INFLATIONARY

The only way for us mere non-“elite” mortals to preserve & protect our pile against information leaks, political pushes, and The ROC (rate of change) of INFLATION, is to keep front-running The Fed.

CHART OF THE DAY: Rate Cuts Devaluing Purchasing Power - image001

If you're tired of MSM/CNBC narratives and BS financial research, we encourage you to take a closer look at the Early LookYou can thank us later.