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Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

As a reminder, the definition of #Quad4 is when the year-over-year (y/y) ROC (rate of change) of both GROWTH and INFLATION are #slowing at the same time.

Since I invented The Quads, I have a pretty good handle on them. When my teammates and I model them, we do so on both a MONTHLY and QUARTERLY basis.

It was narrow #Quad4 in JUL, could/should be narrow #Quad1 in AUG, and could/should be a deeper #Quad4 in SEP.

What “could/should” be is just the initial NOWCAST. What becomes increasingly probable, or “should”, is what markets are doing. And no, the “market” isn’t just NVDA and what NVDA is doing (back to signaling Bullish TREND as of last week).

CHART OF THE DAY: Quad 4 Outlook - CoD Aug

CHART OF THE DAY: Quad 4 Outlook - Hedgeye University Email Banner 2024