Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

An example of a longer-term Asset Allocation (see our Portfolio Solutions product) = Copper:

A) After getting #out of Copper at the beginning of 2022, we didn’t buy it back until FEB 2024
B) Since FEB 2023 Copper inflated +38% to $5.10 during #Quad2 in MAY of 2024…
C) Then it corrected -15% from MAY to JUN, and held long-term @Hedgeye TAIL support

CHART OF THE DAY: Long Copper Through Risk Management w/ Drawdowns - ct1

CHART OF THE DAY: Long Copper Through Risk Management w/ Drawdowns - Hedgeye University

CHART OF THE DAY: Long Copper Through Risk Management w/ Drawdowns - JurrienTimmer