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"In the gold markets, there’s a very large mysterious buyer operating through the OTC market who is price insensitive." 

That’s a comment from 30-year commodity market veteran Jeff Currie. So… pay attention. Jeff and Abaxx Technologies CEO Josh Crumb joined Keith to discuss the whacky dynamics at play inside the commodity markets of late. CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.

ICYMI | Hedgeye Investing Summit: Josh Crumb and Jeff Currie - crumbcurrie

Currie, since he’s been around the block, offered a series of surprising comments about where we’re at in the current commodity cycle.

  • "We have global synchronous expansionary activity overlaid on incredible, potentially explosive, macro tail risk."
  • "I just want to point out, not only are we struggling with energy security, but we have now introduced #AI — and AI is all chips and copper."
  • And finally, to Keith’s question about what else is peaking his interest right now, Currie responded: "Oil, oil, and more oil. That thing is a tinderbox… The OPEC cartel has more market power today than at any other point of time of the cartel going back to 1960.”

If you believe, like we do, that there are fascinating opportunities right now in Commodities, this conversation is for you.

Watch the entire Hedgeye Investing Summit discussion between Jeff, Josh and Keith here.

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