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Takeaway: This webcast was live on Tuesday, March 5th. Free replay now available.

Johns Hopkins Economics professor Steve Hanke joined Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough on Tuesday, March 5th. Their conversation covered a lot of ground with an emphasis on Fed monetary policy, inflation, whether a recession is still in the cards, and probable outcomes for the U.S. economy and markets in the year ahead.

As Professor Hanke says, "95% of what you read in the press is either WRONG or IRRELEVANT." Join us for a transparent conversation on the state of the markets and economy. 


Steve Hanke is an American economist and professor of applied economics at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He is also a senior fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and co-director of the Johns Hopkins University's Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise in Baltimore, Maryland.

Hanke is known for his work as a currency reformer in emerging-market countries. He was a senior economist with President Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers from 1981 to 1982, and has served as an adviser to heads of state in countries throughout Asia, South America, Europe, and the Middle East. He is also known for his work on currency boards, dollarization, hyperinflation, water pricing and demand, benefit-cost analysis, privatization, and other topics in applied economics.

Hanke is a well‐known currency and commodity trader. Currently, he serves as chairman of the supervisory board of Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. in Amsterdam and chairman emeritus of the Friedberg Mercantile Group Inc. in Toronto. During the 1990s, he served as president of Toronto Trust Argentina in Buenos Aires, the world’s best‐performing emerging market mutual fund in 1995.

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