This chart from today's Early Look by Keith McCullough shows recent spikes in UST 2-year yields and the S&P 500.

U.S. stocks (S&P 500) really liked that Old Wall didn't get the rate cuts they were begging for. Bond yields are breaking out as SPX hits a new all-time high.

CHART OF THE DAY: Yields Breaking Out = S&P to All-Time Highs - COTD


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CHART OF THE DAY: Yields Breaking Out = S&P to All-Time Highs - RC Replay 2 15 2024

CHART OF THE DAY: Yields Breaking Out = S&P to All-Time Highs - YtDIuv7J

CHART OF THE DAY: Yields Breaking Out = S&P to All-Time Highs - ITTA   REPLAY 2 13 24

CHART OF THE DAY: Yields Breaking Out = S&P to All-Time Highs - large Portfolio Solutions   Generic


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