Elon Musk tried to paint a rosy picture for Tesla (TSLA) investors on yesterday’s Q4 earnings call, but our Industrials analyst Jay Van Sciver says the auto maker remains the Industrials team’s #1 short idea. 

“Not a great call. Not a great look. Not a lot to hang your hat on,” Van Sciver says in this clip from The Call @ Hedgeye. “The story wasn’t as exciting and sort of fictional as it would usually be. I didn’t actually hear anything that would change my mind on anything in Tesla.”

Van Sciver appeared on BNN Bloomberg last night after the earnings call to report reality on Tesla’s growing issues with competition, pricing and new products. 

Keith McCullough invites Musk to share his side of the story on Hedgeye TV. 

“We would be more than happy to host,” Hedgeye’s CEO adds. “I’m not in the business of perpetuating fake news. I’m asking questions that don’t have answers.” 

For more research on our long-standing Tesla short call, subscribe to Industrials Pro

Van Sciver: ‘Not a Great Look’ for Tesla <abbr name='Tesla Inc.'>TSLA</abbr> - Call Banner

Van Sciver: ‘Not a Great Look’ for Tesla <abbr name='Tesla Inc.'>TSLA</abbr> - RC Banner   DATE 1 23 24

Van Sciver: ‘Not a Great Look’ for Tesla <abbr name='Tesla Inc.'>TSLA</abbr> - WEBC Banner 1 24 2024

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