Anyone who’s not living under a rock witnessed Elon Musk tell advertisers, including Disney CEO Bob Iger, to “Go f**k” themselves yesterday during his conversation with Andrew Sorkin. 

In today’s episode of The Call @ Hedgeye, Communications analyst Andrew Freedman and CEO Keith McCullough dive into some of the ripple effects sure to come for X (formerly Twitter) following Musk’s comments. 

“It’s just terrible for the advertising business to do that,” Freedman explains. “I don't see how the advertising business here recovers and I don't see how engagement trends pick back up.” 

The discussion on The Call today included a look at Musk’s positive/negative traits. One quality McCullough said he can identify with is Musk’s core commitment to keeping his company aligned with his vision. 

“I run an institutional research business,” McCullough adds. “I don’t need to make another dollar in my life to be happy. But what I do need to do is stay true to the principles of our company: Transparency, Accountability, Trust.” 

Click above for the full clip.

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