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Joe Biden cancelled another $9 billion in student debt yesterday. That may be “good news” for the 125,000 people who have their debts “forgiven,” but in this clip from The Call @ Hedgeye, JT Taylor and Keith McCullough lament what it means for the rest of the country. 

"The administration is trying to blunt the impact of the Supreme Court decision allowing student loan payments to resume October 1,” Taylor explains. “We’ve seen this and we’ll see another new program unveiled this spring, just in time for election season.” 

“This country has a rule of law," McCullough adds. “Contracts matter, paying back your debts matters, and I’m personally very proud of that. I came to this country with no money and student debt, and I worked my ass off to pay that off and I’m proud of it.” 

Click above for the full clip. 

McCullough: Student Debt Forgiveness Is Fiscally (And Morally) Irresponsible - TC   Banner