ADDDeere (DE) to the Investing Ideas Short List.

Commentary below from Keith within "Real-Time Alerts" delivered to #HedgeyeNation today. 


The FOMO and chasing you see at VIX 19... can't make it up...

Coaching Notes:

1. If you're new to the Hedgeye Fading-Your-Feelings #process, don't do that

2. There are so many bubbles to choose from, The Question remains: which one is going to signal lower-high-towards-top-end-of Risk Range within a Bearish TREND Signal next?

3. Today's Iowa Farmland Bubble is brought to you by Deere (DE), where "Farmer Jim" likes it because it looks "cheap" on rear-view Ag Bubble Inflation numbers!

See Jay Van Sciver's Industrials Pro research product on why,