Editor's Note: Below is a complimentary "Top 3 Things" note from Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Institutional investors receive this between 6:30-7am. To get on Keith's institutional distribution list email .

When US FOMO Futures are green, are you Bearish Enough? Our Q2 Macro Themes presentation is LIVE at 11AM @HedgeyeTV! 

  1. CHINA – now The Game gets more interesting with A) China still #accelerating in #Quad1 economically and B) BABA giving the Indexes and chart chasers something to #like with the 6-way Split. That said, big #divergence with locals saying #NotYet (Shanghai Comp DOWN -0.2%) vs. the US Listed and HK chase (Hang Seng +2.1% and back above @Hedgeye TREND resistance)
  2. CURVE best part about European Banks “saved” this morning and Crypto Crowd marking up Ripple +9% into another month-end markup? A: Powell to hike again in May! Been waiting on A) my 2yr Yield Risk Range to confirm narrowing (it has, pricing-out-cuts) and B) Curve (10s minus 2s) to fail @Hedgeye TREND resistance (it just did and is back to -49bps this morn)
  3. VIX hello darkness my old friend, I’d like to talk to you at 19 again… because the vision of FOMO softly creeping… left its seeds while I was sleeping… #NazVol (NASDAQ Volatility) has gone to 24 FIVE times since January’s Profitless Tech chase – are you going to be Bearish Enough this time? #TheSoundOf#Quad4Silence

Immediate-term @Hedgeye Risk Ranges: SP500 = 3; UST 10yr Yield = 3.31-3.63%


[COMPLIMENTARY] Top 3 Things | China/Curve/VIX  - cod