Editor's Note: Below is a complimentary "Top 3 Things" note from Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Institutional investors receive this between 6:30-7am. To get on Keith's institutional distribution list email .

With the latest 2-day Macro Tourist CPI Mania over, it’s back to business for serious Full Cycle Investors…

  1. USD another big buying opportunity for anyone who missed being Long the US Dollar from 95 on DXY at this time last year (yes, it went from 95 to 114 in one of the biggest FX ramps in modern history… and now, like in the USD Bull Market and #Quad4 economy, it’s consolidating its epic gains). Top 3 Shorts in FX from here: Canadian Dollar, Norwegian Krone, and The Euro
  2. RATES – don’t tell anyone, but German, Italian, UK, etc. 10yr Yields are breaking out back above their @Hedgeye TREND Signal Levels this morning with Italian 10s +13bps ahead of the ECB and BOE tomorrow – oh, your Tourist friends thought it’s just Powell that matters? 2nd day of higher-lows in my UST 10yr Yield Risk Range which = 3.39-3.73% and UST 2s continue to signal Hawkish Powell
  3. GOLD Long Gold was a much better Asset Allocation in December than US Growth Stocks – while our TSLA Short was getting tagged to lower-lows yesterday, Gold broke out to new fresh 6-month highs (imagine QQQ’s did that? Party City for AAPL fans, eh? #not. That stock has sucked since those AUG lower-bear-market highs (unless you’ve been short it). Reiterate Long GLD, SLV, PPLT, GDX

Immediate-term @Hedgeye Risk Ranges: SP500 = 3; UST 10yr Yield = 3.39-3.73%


[COMPLIMENTARY] Top 3 Things | USD/Rates/Gold - el1