This morning on The Macro Show, Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough reinforces being short the Euro against his #1 asset allocation in global #Quad4, which is long USD. The Euro was down another 1.2% this morning after being down 1.3% last week.

“This is called a currency crash, when a currency goes down more than 10% in a straight line (since February),” says McCullough. “I think what that is trying to predict here is that the ECB will turn tail faster than the Federal Reserve will. That makes sense given that the Eurozone broadly is weaker than the US, particularly on the deficit side, and in some cases the sovereign credit side.”

“Stay short Euros, Pounds, Swiss Francs, the top five, or top ten, for that matter, European equity shorts and you’re going to have yourself a damn good year here on the long-short side of your book, as we continue to do.”

Long Dollar + Short Euro = Global #Quad4   - Hedgeye University