“You are an expert. But are your judgments verifiable?”
- Daniel Khaneman

Now we enter the CYA part of The Game where plenty of strategists, economists, and tweeters will say they saw this coming. However, if you’re a portfolio manager and/or running your own money it doesn’t matter what you say. It’s what your returns do.

In one of the great #behavorial books I’ve reviewed in the last year, Noise, Kahneman calls the aforementioned Old Wallers “respect-experts.” As in we, The Muckers & People out here in The Arena, owe them respect, regardless of outcomes.

Where I was raised, respect is earned, not allocated. Kahneman agrees: “intelligence is only part of the story… HOW people think is important. Perhaps we should pick the more open-minded person rather than the smarter one.” (pg 235)

Another #Quad4 Crash, It Was - cnbcairlines

Back to the Global Macro Grind…

If you do not have an open mind to how fast asset prices can go down during a #Quad4 F-Bucket Breakout in Volatility, you better start thinking faster, and be less slow.

For the purposes of keeping it clean this morning lets call the F-Bucket something that I don’t really call it. Let’s call it the Fast Bucket, where the faster realized Volatility rises the faster the LOW-end of my Risk Ranges fall.

That’s why I also call the F-Bucket, the “Un-investable Bucket.” That’s where even the stock picks that recently worked get crushed.

Oh, but, but, KM likes Gold and Gold Miners. Yeah, alongside being Long our #1 Asset Allocation (US Dollars), Gold did its job for us in the portfolio yesterday, beating the #Quad4 pants off anything GROWTH Equity and Crypto, but Gold Miners went down again.

So did Healthcare (PINK) and Defense Stocks (ITA). One of those broke @Hedgeye TREND support (PINK). One did not.

I know, The Macro Show Queue (questions get up/down votes) will be hyperventilating about Longs that went down at VIX 34, but those aren’t my questions. I have no questions about that. That’s what happens in the #Quad4 F-Bucket.

And that’s why I will continue to SELL on green, taking DOWN Gross Long exposure to any fancy idea I had when the VIX wasn’t in the 30s. Why? Because that’s what I always do. And it works.

If you think a few of my Longs were bad, consider the alternatives that a LOT of The People are still bag Hodling:

A) Bitcoin down -7% (and remains Bearish TREND @Hedgeye)
B) Tesla (TSLA) down -11% on Margin Call Musk risk (TREND support was $987)
C) Consumer Discretionary (XLY), which is basically AMZN and TSLA, down -5.1%

And, unlike most, when my Longs break @Hedgeye TREND support (like PINK did, but GDX did not), I stop myself out of them. Those are called SELL orders. That’s how I raise even more Cash before the market makes new lows.

If that bothers people, I don’t have time to care. That’s the risk management #proces. Since calling it in ‘08, it always has been.

While I can always improve how I coach the #process, the best way to coach it is to just let everyone watch me make my plays and pivots in real-time. I’ve turned Real-Time Alerts into Real-Time Coaching Notes for that very reason.

Additionally, I’ve added the #OUTBucket to our Risk Range™ Signal product.

What does that mean? That means what it says. I am #OUT of the position personally. And if you’d like to stay with that position that is totally up to you. The current #OUT Bucket includes:

        1. Energy (XLE) = (Neutral TREND)

        2. Healthcare (PINK) = (Bearish TREND)

And, no, I didn’t take Energy out yesterday. It was #out before its recent beat-down from its Inflation Cycle Peak.

Open question that brings me back to the beginning of this note: who gets you out? I’m not going to complain like I used to about the lack of transparency and/or accountability from Telecom Tom Lee or the Old Wall itself on this.

That was so last #Quad4 ago.

What I am going to do is do what I have been doing. I am going to keep building both a better #process and a #BetterWay. Better communication tools, better cartoons, better hair? Whatever it takes!

At this point, a debate as to whether or not Deep #Quad4 risks were going to hit hardest in Q2 of 2022 doesn’t matter. Non-verifiable experts still don’t get it, but it’s here. And when it’s over, I’ll let the greatest expert of all (the market) let me know.

Immediate-term Risk Range™ Signal with @Hedgeye TREND signal in brackets

UST 10yr Yield 2.64-2.96% (bullish)
UST 2yr Yield 2.31-2.78% (bullish)
High Yield (HYG) 79.02-80.70 (bearish)          
SPX 4133-4355 (bearish)
NASDAQ 12,309-13,216 (bearish)
RUT 1 (bearish)
Tech (XLK) 137-148 (bearish)
Gold Miners (GDX) 34.06-42.52 (bullish)
Utilities (XLU) 72.54-77.70 (bullish)
Shanghai Comp 2 (bearish)
DAX 13,663-14,237 (bearish)
VIX 23.95-36.23 (bullish)
USD 99.90-102.54 (bullish)
EUR/USD 1.060-1.088 (bearish)
Oil (WTI) 96.38-108.21 (bullish)
Gold 1 (bullish)
Copper 4.41-4.66 (bearish)
Silver 23.01-26.75 (neutral)
MSFT 267-290 (bearish)
AMZN 2 (bearish)
FB 171-201 (bearish)
GOOGL 2183-2517 (bearish)
TSLA 821-987 (bearish)
Bitcoin 37,913-41,843 (bearish)

Best of luck out there today,


Keith R. McCullough
Chief Executive Officer

Another #Quad4 Crash, It Was - fbuc