NewsWire: 4/27/22

  • A recent Pentagon press release urged new military recruits to undertake extra fitness training before starting boot camp. The reason: Today’s recruits are more sedentary and prone to injuries. (VICE)
    • NH: Military doctors say they have seen a rise in ACL tears, acute stress fractures, and muscle strains among new recruits. Why? The Pentagon claims late-wave Millennials live more sedentary lives, and their bodies can’t take the pressure of basic training. Doctors further recommend recruits “get off the couch” before arriving at boot camp.
    • Today’s youth are indeed less active than past generations. Due to their protective and scheduled upbringing, most--excluding the small minority who train for club sports--spend less time doing active physical activity of any kind. The result is declining physical fitness and rising overall rates of obesity. (See "Kids' Sports Are a Ticking Time Bomb.") It has even been hypothesized that these sedentary lifestyles are driving declining age-adjusted testosterone levels in men--or, perhaps, the reverse. (See “You’re Not the Man Your Father Was.”) 
    • About five years ago, the Army and USMC had to modify their basic training due to high injury levels. It developed a “pre-boot camp” program for recruits to improve themselves before they arrive. Apparently, it hasn’t reduced injuries. (See “Army Rebrands For Millennial Recruits.”)
    • At the same time, the military has been more willing to look past physical shortcomings as drones replace soldiers on the battlefield. (See “Military Doing an About-Face.”) Just this March, the Army announced it would reduce fitness standards for women and older enlistees. IMO, fitness requirements will continue to be lowered, especially for non-combat positions. Apparently, the military is assuming that America doesn't again need to wade ashore at Tarawa or reclimb Pointe du Hoc any time soon.
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