Takeaway: COVID-19 deaths and associated mortality is first in a century event and the impacts are real AMED, LHCG, CHE, DVA, EHC, PFE, MRNA

REplay | Shuffling Off this Mortal Coil; Death in the Age of Pandemic - 20220330 Morality in the Age of COVID

As mortality lingers - early 2022 trends for biggest contributors to human mortality excluding COVID-19 - are not subsiding as anyone would hope. Death due to diabetes, Alzheimer's, Heart and Cerebrovascular have started the year out ahead of or close to 2020-2021 levels. Something known as "Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)" has moved aggressively up and to the right. mortality has increased among the 25-44 year old cohorts, mostly as a result of the aforementioned conditions.

It all adds up to persistent headwinds for chronic care providers, made worse by ongoing labor shortages. You can access replay here


0:00 - 2:00 Overview and Introduction

2:01 - 5:39 All Cause Mortality, 2014-2022 and explanation of CDC Wonder Data

5:40 - 7:55 Non COVID-19 Excess Mortality

7:55 - 10:00 Excess Mortality by Age Cohort, anomalous trends in 25-44 year old

10:00 - 21:08 Major causes of death, Septicemia, Neoplasms, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Influenza, Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease, Nephritis, Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified.

21:09 - 24:14 Major Driver of Excess Deaths, Diseases of the Heart, Cerebrovascular Disease

24:14 - 25.26 Excess deaths in 25-44 year old cohort

25:43 - 29:07 Cause of death among younger cohorts

28:08 - 35:42 Dearth of data on drivers of excess deaths, access care, confounding symptoms, Seattle Children's Study on vaccine adverse effects, trust in vaccines and ongoing uptake of vaccines and boosters, 

Emily Evans
Managing Director – Health Policy
