Takeaway: Yes, 10k people turn 65 everyday but we are past peak for post-war generation that drove MA growth; the market only gets more competitive

Chart of the Day | Narratives Always Overstay Their Welcome HUM, UNH, ANTM, CLOV, ALHC, Devoted - 20220228 COTD

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid released its February report on enrollment in Medicare Advantage yesterday. On a MoM% and YoY% basis enrollment decelerated to 1.4% and 8.7% respectively. On a YoY% basis eligible beneficiaries improved slightly to 1.8% from 1.6% in January. Consistent with past years, you can expect 0.30% MoM growth as people age into Medicare and select a plan. 

What should concern the pure play MA MCOs is the penetration rate. Medicare advantage enrollment is now 45.7% of all eligible beneficiaries. The HHS Office of the Actuary predicts total penetration of 49.2% in 2030. If they are right, and they usually are, the proliferation of plans attracted by the rich reimbursement and shoddy oversight are going to have to consolidate or choose a new line of work.

These data are available in chartbook form for each plan and sponsor. Send me a note if that will help with your work.

Call with questions.

Emily Evans
Managing Director – Health Policy
