The guest commentary below was written by Jesse Felder of The Felder Report. This piece does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Hedgeye.

Can The Fed Afford To Tighten Into An Economic Slowdown? - Fed tightening cartoon 09.09.2015

There’s an important disconnect between stocks and bonds today. Specially, I am looking at two fundamental indicators for evaluating long-term interest rates.

The first is the performance of small cap stocks relative to large caps. Typically, this ratio has moved in concert with the 30-year treasury yield.

For the past few months, however, we have seen a major divergence between the two as small cap stocks, which are more sensitive to shifts in the economy, have led the broad stock market to the downside even as interest rates have shot higher.

Can The Fed Afford To Tighten Into An Economic Slowdown? - Screen Shot 2022 02 08 at 1.26.24 PM

The second indicator I’m watching is the relative performance of the most economically-sensitive sectors in the stock market (something I call the Economic Predictors Index).

Like the small-to-large cap ratio in the chart above, we have seen a steady decline in this indicator after it put in a peak nearly a year ago. But while the decline in the EPI has continued recently, interest rates have reversed higher.

Of course, it’s still possible for these two indicators to play catch up to interest rates going forward or for rates to fall back to meet them.

Can The Fed Afford To Tighten Into An Economic Slowdown? - 2 10 2022 8 07 39 AM

But, for now, it looks like economic fundamentals are in the process of weakening (see: GDPNow) which would explain the performance of the stock-market based indicators above.

At the same time, after financing the majority of issuance over the past couple years, the Fed is now attempting to end (and possibly even reverse) its purchases of treasuries which may be putting some strain on the bond market.

The question then becomes, can the Fed afford to allow interest rates across the curve to continue to rise even as the economy slows? I guess we will find out soon enough.


This is a Hedgeye Guest Contributor piece written by Jesse Felder and reposted from The Felder Report blog. Felder has been managing money for over 20 years. He began his professional career at Bear, Stearns & Co. and later co-founded a multi-billion-dollar hedge fund firm headquartered in Santa Monica, California. Today he lives in Bend, Oregon and publishes The Felder Report. This piece does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Hedgeye.