NewsWire: 1/15/22

  • Faced with worker shortages, more businesses are turning to automation. Whether it’s self-checkout or robots, technology is increasingly filling the gaps. (Axios)
    • NH: We have all heard the recent woes of retailers. They can't fill vacant positions, and their employees are sick with Covid-19. But have no fear, automation is here!
    • Stores are increasingly investing in self-checkout. In 2020, the number of self-checkout kiosks shipped globally increased by +25%. In 2021, Kohls (KSS) and DSW (DBI) offered self-checkout for the first time. And new startups like Standard Cognition are installing the technology in small businesses across the country. 
    • These self-checkout stations offer numerous advantages. One employee can manage over six stations. This is especially helpful for retailers low on workers. And the technology cuts down on interactions between employees and customers. This allows for greater social distancing.
    • One final note: The Department of Labor predicts the rise in self-checkout will cause the number of cashiers to fall by -10% between 2020-2030.

Retailers Turn to Self-Checkout. NewsWire - Jan15

Did You Know?

  • This Woman’s Work. When it comes to managing household responsibilities, majorities of both men and women without children expect to equally split duties like changing diapers and managing family activities should they have kids one day. But according to a new AP-NORC poll, that’s far from the reality. When asked about eight different household responsibilities, 35% of mothers said that they do more than their partner for all eight. Just 3% of fathers said the same. The biggest gap was in “handling household chores and family meals,” with 68% of mothers saying they do all or most of this compared to only 18% of fathers. Just 4% of mothers, however, say their partner does this more--and time-use data indicate that mothers tend to be more correct in their estimates. These results mirror earlier surveys showing that even as attitudes towards family life have become more progressive, the bulk of household chores still falls on mothers. (See “Millennial Husbands Are No More ‘Woke’ Than Their Fathers.”)
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