Takeaway: CFLT is a Hedgeye Technology Best Idea Long

Today we present some additional field notes on Best Idea Long CFLT. The notes also touch on SNOW, CRWD and DDOG.

 Confluent (CFLT) | Field Notes | Competitor To Snowflake - Confluent Cartoon New

Some key takeaways from these conversations relevant to our CFLT views:

  • A Kafka based event streaming architecture can doom ERP 
  • Every company looking at AI/ML should consider event streaming
  • Confluent makes sense over open-source Kafka even for digital natives due to the challenges of managing the open-source version

 Confluent (CFLT) | Field Notes | Competitor To Snowflake - cflt 1

Confluent (CFLT) | Field Notes | Competitor To Snowflake - cflt 2

Bonus quotes:  

Confluent should be seen as a competitor to Snowflake. You can dovetail a Confluent system nicely into Snowflake. But Snowflake fundamentally won’t handle real-time transactional markets well. A massive credit card company I work with does a lot with Snowflake and they have learned it is not the way to go and they need to shift to event streaming…the US division of a major car company walked away from Snowflake recently. The CIO had been sold on Snowflake to make all the data easily accessible. But the costs were 7x the projected number. They walked.”

"In observability we use Humio, which was recently acquired by Crowdstrike. The product is really good, is fast, and is very reliable. We manage it ourselves and pay for the license. It is much less expensive than Datadog or Splunk or Elastic."

Ami Joseph
Managing Director 


Yosef Vaitsblit


Nick Balch