Takeaway: Working for the government has the benefit of being predictable, until the world goes nuts. Can the Medicare PPS accommodate change?

Call  @10am ET | Sequestration, More Sequestration & Medicare Payments | DVA, EHC, CHE - 20211215 Sequester  More Sequester and Medicare reimbursement

Please join us on today at 10am ET for a close look at how the Medicare Prospective Payment System may not have been built for the unpredictable environment in which we find ourselves. Labor costs are high and rising. Geopolitics threatens import prices on critical cost inputs like pharmaceuticals and supplies. Customer acquisition is being disrupted by external forces. To make matters worse, Congress is re-imposing the sequester and in early 2023 will be required to impose another or come up with budgetary offsets to pay for the American Rescue Plan Act.

We will look at three names that represent extreme cases in managing these headwinds; DVA, CHE & EHC, although their problems will not be unique and will affect other parts of the health care system to equal and lesser degrees.

Please join us.

Wednesday, Dec. 15th @ 10am ET (add to Outlook Calendar)

Health Policy Subscribers CLICK HERE for event details (includes video, dial-in and materials link) 


Emily Evans
Managing Director – Health Policy
