In this clip from The Call @ Hedgeye, Industrials analyst Jay Van Sciver, highlights Ball Corporation (BLL) as a new short idea within the Quad 1 portfolio.

“The thing that I think is really interesting this go around versus last go around is that we have a lot of clarity on the capacity side,” notes Van Sciver. “This doesn’t sit in staples, this sits in materials. The reason it sits in materials is because it is a highly capacity sensitive name.”

“No one is like ‘oh, we’re in Quad 1, let’s buy aluminum cans,’” he continues.  

(This clip is a small taste of what our subscribers get each day on The Call @ Hedgeye. In a nutshell, The Call is our morning research call hosted by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough with our 40+ analyst research team. It helps small and large investors alike make better decisions via unique and investable stock/sector updates Click here to learn more.)