Takeaway: Join us Thursday, September 16, at 12:30pm EST, as we analyze the demographic outlook of the world.

Call Invite | Global Demography Review - Aging world demographics cartoon

Join me for our sector's annual global demography review. We will examine the direction of trends before the pandemic began. Then we will look at how Covid-19 did and did not change the world's trajectory. Here are a few of the topics we will be examining:

    • Fertility: Where is fertility falling and rising? Did Covid-19 create a pandemic baby bust? 
    • Mortality: In which countries is life expectancy improving? What is the true death count of Coivd-19? 
    • Mobility: Where are people migrating to and from? 
    • Population Projections: Which countries are expected to see a rise in the working-age population? When will the global population peak?

We will be answering all these questions and more. Make sure to tune in Thursday, September 16, at 12:30pm EST.

Demography Subscribers: CLICK HERE for event details 

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