The American health care industry is undergoing a generational shift. Policy disruptions created by the opposing forces of the Affordable Care Act and President Trump's Competition and Choice agenda have been magnified by the economic reality that health care is simply unaffordable. Like most of our clients, we spend so much time focused on the large, public companies, it is easy to lose sight of the innovation and disruption resident with young companies who see a future in all the chaos.

Luckily, our friends at Vic Gatto and Marcus Whitney Jump Start Foundry and its companion company, Health:Further, have agreed to share their insights and experiences with an occaisional video conversation.

We began with the impact recent proposed CMS rules will have on disruption and innovation in EHRs, insurance and what it means to the rise of consumerism in health care.

If you have a topic you would like us to explore, send Tom or Emily an email.