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 JT TAYLOR: CAPITAL BRIEF - JT   Potomac banner 2

While Capitol Hill is bracing for another short week this week and focused on gun-related measures, the Supreme Court and the regulatory agencies are swirling with activity. Below are links to recent and upcoming calls and notes from our Washington team covering the most timely issues of the day. Please email or call us if you need additional information or insight with regard to any of these topics:

MACRO POLICY CALL REPLAY | WHAT'S NEXT FOR NAFTA?: Listen to a replay of yesterday's NAFTA call covering the major issues, timelines, and impact on industries with one of Washington's top trade advisors here.

HEDGEYE DEMOGRAPHY CALL TODAY | ABOUT EVERYTHING: Join Neil Howe at 10:00 am for the latest episode of his biweekly "About Everything" series, where he discusses social, demographic, and economic topics complete with live Q&A. Access Neil's call here.

HEALTHCARE CALL TODAY | CERN / VA CONTRACT STATUS REPORT | GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOVERNMENT WORK: Join Emily Evans and Andrew Freedman at 12:30 pm for a 30-minute call and live Q&A session on the status of the pending $10B VA EHR Modernization contract. With Cerner (CERN) and the VA agreeing to terms on interoperability, the highly anticipated deal could be signed any day now. Watch or listen live here.

ENERGY POLICY CALL CONFERENCE CALL | THURSDAY MARCH 1 AT 2 PM: The Trump Administration is developing potential new energy sanctions on Venezuela as Maduro plans April 22 presidential election. Find Thursday's call details here.

DEFENSE POLICY CALL REPLAY | GOOD START BUT JUST A START: If you missed General Emo Gardner's comprehensive overview and analysis of the Pentagon's FY19 budget submission, you can access it here.

HEDGEYE LEGAL CATALYSTS | SUPREME COURT CRITICAL OF AMEX MERCHANT AGREEMENTS (AXP, DFS, AMZN, GOOGL): Several Court members hint that AmEx anti-steering agreements raise major antitrust concerns. A decision by end of June.  Paul Glenchurs note from inside the Supreme Court here.

BIG WHITE HOUSE MEETING TODAY ON POSSIBLE RINS/ETHANOL REFORMS: After Philadelphia Refinery Bankruptcy, Trump Administration Develops Urgent Policy Options to Rein in High RINS Costs.  Read Joe McMonigle's note here.

AT&T/TIME WARNER | PRETRIAL STRATEGY AND CASE INSIGHTS (T, TWX)White House meddling in DOJ's merger review may be irrelevant to the case but AT&T finds value in pushing it. Glenchur's insights on DOJ's case here.