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WASHINGTON WEEK AHEAD - dc policy weekahead


  • Both the House and Senate are in session.
  • House Ways and Means Chair Kevin Brady is expected to release the first draft of tax legislation this Wednesday, November 1st.
  • The House and Senate will be conducting several hearings on Russia’s influence in the 2016 election.
  • President Trump is expected to announce his Fed Chair pick this week.
  • The House is expected to vote on a bill that extends the Children’s Health Insurance Program.


  • The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is holding a hearing at 5:00PM to examine the Trump Administration's authority to use military force.
  • The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will consider nominations at 5:30PM.
  • The House Committee on Homeland Security will examine physical security and cybersecurity at our Nation's ports at 1:30PM.


  • The Senate Intelligence Committee and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation will consider nominations at 9:30AM and 10:00AM.
  • The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is holding a hearing to examine the federal response to the 2017 hurricane season at 10:00AM.
  • The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee is examining implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act at 2:30PM.
  • The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on social media content and Russia at 2:30PM.


  • Obamacare open enrollment begins.
  • Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Pat Roberts (R-KS) are expected to give a speech on NAFTA.
  • The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on net neutrality and the role of antitrust law at 10:00AM.
  • The House Energy and Commerce Committee is holding a hearing on consumers credit data security at 10:00AM.
  • The House Financial Services Committee will examine the Community Development Block-Grant Disaster Recovery Program at 10:00AM and will examine credit data security at 2:00PM.
  • The House Committee on Foreign Affairs will take an inside look at the North Korean regime at 10:00AM.
  • The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is holding a hearing on Russia and social media at 2:00PM.
  • The House Committee on Rules is holding a hearing on Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act of 2017.
  • The Senate Intelligence Committee is holding a hearing to examine social media influence in the 2016 presidential election at 9:30AM.
  • The Senate Committees on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Commerce Science, and Transportation, Judiciary, and Foreign Relations will consider nominations at 10:00AM.
  • House Ways and Means Chair Kevin Brady is expected to release the first draft of tax reform legislation.


  • The House Committee on Natural Resources will hold a hearing on three water bills at 10:00AM.
  • The House Committee on Energy and Commerce is holding a hearing on the federal response to the 2017 hurricane season and the recovery of energy infrastructure.
  • The House Financial Services Committee is continuing their hearing series on housing finance reform at 2:00PM.
  • The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a business meeting on S.807, to provide anti-retaliation protections for antitrust whistleblowers at 2:00PM.


  • The House Financial Services Committee is holding a hearing on small business and community access to capital at 9:15AM.
  • President Trump departs for China to begin his 12-day tour of Asia.

Our Catalyst Calendar contains major policy dates and deadlines in Washington in addition to Hedgeye’s policy events. We will be updating the calendar as information changes and new dates are put on the books. YOU CAN FIND IT HERE and on our website.

CMS FINALIZES MEDICARE CY 2018 OUTPATIENT DIALYSIS PAYMENTS | KEEPING AN EYE ON OUTLIER PAYMENTS: Our Senior Health Analyst Emily Evans writes that the final number was lower than expected; outlier thresholds lowered - something CMS may regret. Read the full piece here.

WHO NEEDS CONGRESS? HHS PROPOSES RELAXING CY 2019 ACA-MANDATED BENEFIT DESIGN: Our Senior Health Analyst Emily Evans writes that more State flexibility in meeting EHB requirement won't change covered services; could reduce generosity & increase affordability of plans. Read the full piece here.

UNREQUITED EXAS BEARS: SORRY, TRUMP ADMIN APPROACH TO INSURANCE MANDATES NOT YOUR CATALYST EITHER: Our Senior Health Analyst Emily Evans writes that the Trump Administration’s efforts to relax the insurance mandates in the individual and small group markets not likely to affect coverage of EXAS. Read the full piece here.

NOC BEGINS TO SHOW IMPACT OF BOMBER AND GBSD WINS: Our Senior Defense Analyst Emo Gardner writes that NOC is the dog that caught two cars with an $80B bomber contract and this year's ICBM Tech Maturation downselect. It must focus on execution. Read the full piece here.

FERC COMMENT PERIOD ENDS ON DOE PROPOSAL TO AID COAL & NUCLEAR: Our Senior Energy Analyst Joe McMonigle writes that we believe FERC is open to the DOE proposal, but is likely to extend consideration by months. Similar FERC action would be closer to March 2018. Read the full piece here.

FCC RELAXATION OF MEDIA OWNERSHIP LIMITS (SBGI, TRCO, NXST, TGNA, FOXA): Our Senior Telecom Analyst Paul Glenchur writes that as expected, the Republican-controlled FCC is easing media ownership limits, updating its rules for the digital age. Read the full piece here.

ANNOUNCING OUR NEW LEGAL CATALYSTS VERTICAL WITH PAUL GLENCHUR: We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Legal Catalysts vertical, highlighting key cases and legal developments with significant potential impact across multiple sectors.  Paul Glenchur, our longtime telecom and media analyst, but also a former federal appellate court law clerk, attorney, and member of the Supreme Court Bar, will lead this research offering. Check it out here.
