Below is an excerpt from an institutional research note written by Hedgeye Financials analyst Jonathan Casteleyn. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Equity ETFs garnered +$19.3 billion in contributions last week.
    • For context, the Equity ETF net subscriptions of +$19.3 billion outpaced the year-to-date weekly average inflow of +$7.0 billion and the 2016 average inflow of +$2.5 billion. 
  • Domestic equity mutual fund outflows accelerated last week, totaling -$6.5 billion compared to -$378 million in the prior week.
    • On the active management side, for context, the -$3.5Bn of net outflows is more than the -$2.2 billion YTD average but is less than the 2016 average outflow of -$5.0 billion.

Active Management Smackdown: Equity ETFs +$19.3 Billion vs. -$6.5 Billion for Active - ici flows 5 4 17

*If you're an institutional investor email to read this entire research note.