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Once the dust settles on November 9th, what would a Clinton or Trump presidency actually mean for financial markets and investors’ portfolios?

That’s the question we put to our thoughtful, deep bench of Washington policy analysts in this HedgeyeTV video special “Clinton vs. Trump: How Election 2016 Will Impact Financial Markets.” Each analyst recently sat down with Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough to distill the key implications for their sector.

With just hours before countrywide voting begins, these policy insights are more relevant than ever.

We cover the investing waterfront—including the consequences of America’s fractured political landscape, big demographic headwinds, Obamacare’s future, the defense budget, net neutrality, the Supreme Court, Iran deal and much more.

One disconcerting takeaway: As bitter and polarizing as this presidential race has been, it may get even worse after the election according to Hedgeye Demography Sector Head Neil Howe.

Here are the sections broken down by each analyst (click the links on the analyst's names below to watch their individual segment).

  • JT Taylor: A Category 5 Catastrophe Scenario for Republicans
  • Neil HoweCrash? Civil War? How This Election Fits Into Cycles of History
  • LtGen Emo Gardner: The Defense Budget Outlook, Winners & Losers
  • Paul Glenchur: Silicon Valley vs. Network Providers (Who Wins, Who Loses)
  • Emily Evans: Repeal of Obamacare? Unlikely
  • Joe McMonigle: Iran Nuclear Deal, Keystone Pipeline & Clean Power Policy

This is thoughtful, must-see TV for investors trying to understand likely outcomes, looming policy risks and related portfolio implications.