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Leading Thinker on Generations Who Coined the Term ‘Millennials’ Joins Forces with Independent Research Firm


STAMFORD, Conn., February 9, 2016 -- Hedgeye Risk Management, a leading independent provider of investment research and online financial media firm, announced today that renowned historian, economist, and demographer Neil Howe has joined the company as Managing Director to lead Demography sector research. Howe is regarded as a leading authority on generations and social change in America, an acclaimed bestselling author, and highly sought-after speaker.

“We are incredibly excited to welcome someone of Neil’s caliber to our growing team,” said Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. “He is a world-class thinker and our country’s leading authority on today’s generations. His demographic insight will augment our existing research and help our customers identify the most significant, secular trends in the U.S., abroad, and their investing implications.”

World-Renowned Demographer Neil Howe Joins Hedgeye Risk Management  - zz howe pic

Howe has written over a dozen books on generations, demographic change, and fiscal policy, many of them with William Strauss. Their first book, Generations, was called “the most stimulating book on American history that I have ever read” by Vice President Al Gore, who sent a copy to every member of Congress. Newt Gingrich called it “an intellectual tour de force.” The Boston Globe wrote of their book, The Fourth Turning, “If Howe and Strauss are right, they will take their place among the great American prophets.”

Howe and Strauss originally coined the term “Millennial Generation” in 1991, and wrote the pioneering book on this generation, Millennials Rising. His work has been featured frequently in the media, including USA Today, CNN, the New York Times, and CBS’ 60 Minutes.

"I'm thrilled to be working with the Hedgeye team,” said Howe. “Everyone I’ve met here is smart, superbly informed, and—most importantly—unafraid to make non-consensus calls and stick by them. Over the next several years, asset managers the world over will desperately need a no-BS source of unbiased insights. I look forward to helping Hedgeye fill that need."

Previously, with American businessman and philanthropist Peter “Pete” Peterson, Howe co-authored On Borrowed Time, a pioneering call for budgetary reform. He later co-authored The Graying of the Great Powers with Richard Jackson, a seminal work in the emerging field of “political demography.”

Howe is also a recognized authority on global aging, long-term fiscal policy, and migration. He is a senior associate to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.

He received his B.A. at U.C. Berkeley and later earned graduate degrees in economics and history from Yale University.

Neil Howe Talks 2016 GOP Field ON Real Conversations

Click image to watch.

World-Renowned Demographer Neil Howe Joins Hedgeye Risk Management  - zz neil and keith rc


Hedgeye Risk Management is an independent investment research and online financial media firm. Focused exclusively on generating and delivering actionable investment ideas in a proven buy-side process, the firm combines quantitative, bottom-up and macro analysis with an emphasis on timing. The Hedgeye team features some of the world's most regarded research analysts, all with buy-side experience, covering Macro, Financials, Energy, Healthcare, Retail, Gaming, Lodging & Leisure (GLL), Restaurants, Industrials, Consumer Staples, Internet & Media, Housing, and Materials.

CONTACT: Dan Holland

